Life is Like a Jazz Piece

Have you ever had a true meeting, perhaps with a mysterious stranger who left you with a spiritual message that has stayed with you throughout your life.

“Don’t play what’s there, play what’s not there.”  Miles Davis

​Jazz is all about improvisation. Nevertheless, a jazz musician always returns to what is called the base line. You can improvise all around the base line, but you must always return to it.

Is this not what the spiritual path is about?

One’s Sādhanā, or spiritual journey, is concerned with the return to the One, the Ground of Being. This reflection provides us with a profound sense of what free will is. We have the freedom to go off in any direction, and we can riff all we may wish. Nevertheless, in order to be an accomplished musician in life, we must continue to return to the base line. Otherwise,we will find ourselves to be without direction.

Free will allows us to move away from the trajectory of our soul, but we must eventually return to the base line.

What is this base line? I feel that this is the movement of the soul along its divine trajectory. Do you feel you’ve lost a sense of your life’s trajectory?

“Life is Like a Jazz Piece”


1) Are you entirely certain that we exercise free will? 

2) Do you believe that the totality of past events inevitably causes what occurs in the present moment?

​3) Is there such a thing as inevitability? Given that most behavior is not mindful, can we reasonably speak of freedom?

4) On the other hand, can you imagine the sheer freedom of experiencing the soul’s movement along its divine trajectory?