
Rupert Spira is one of the most evocative of contemporary teachers of non-dual contemplation. Here is an example of a daily quote that one can receive by email:

The Daily Quote from Rupert Spira, 19th April 2020

“From the point of view of a finite self, experience consists of a multiplicity and diversity of finite objects and selves, some of which are conceived as ‘me’, others as ‘not me’. From the point of view of experience itself, there is just the seamless intimacy of itself, one indivisible, unnameable whole, always changing in name and form but never changing in essence.”

© Rupert Spira

Aware Presence · Aware Presence Ltd., · PO Box 887 · Oxford, Oxon OX1 9PR · United Kingdom. Subscribe here to receive the daily email.


Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth

“Former Indras All”

A friend recently mentioned to me that he had become upon the Hindu teaching that there are infinite layers or planes of existence, and that realized beings who have transcended this world, go on to higher worlds in which to live new lives of service. He was surprised to learn that these beings nevertheless are subject to the reincarnational cycle of death and rebirth. I explained that in this tradition it is understood that there are worlds of a higher nature, as well as, of a lower nature, but that nevertheless the “Heaven” worlds exist within the parameters of manifest form. There are formal realms high and low. As part of Creation, or Manifestation, these are all subject to the law of change, whether in the form of regression or progression, deterioration or transformation.

I was reminded of a wonderful, inspiring story that Joseph Campbell related to Bill Moyers in the second episode of the series, The Power of Myth. It tells of Vishnu, the dreamer of worlds, who visits Indra, the warrior king of the heavens, whose head has become a little swollen in respect to his triumphs. Here we are given a taste of the nature of the ego, which afflicts each of us, and which afflicts, also, even the gods in their higher realms. You may find the film excerpt here.