
Timothy Hellner

A passionate student of the world’s spiritual traditions and their methods which, through the ages, have guided seekers to explore their own depths and to realize their potentials, I am here to be of service.  I am a yoga and meditation teacher who is associated with fitness and health institutions in my locality in southern Indiana.

My practice has benefited from the teachings of many exceptional persons, but here I wish to acknowledge those generous souls with whom I have worked in recent years:  Peggy Cappy,  Kara Schmidt, Kari Nolan, Kara Simon, Helen Palmer and Russill Paul.

It is my prayer that my students gain as much benefit from our sessions together, as I do. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share what has so captivated me in my life, and which given me so much pleasure and such a sense of purpose.

Karen Gayl James

My enduring inspiration in this work is my dear wife,
Karen James, who transitioned from this life in 2013.
I was extraordinarily blessed to walk hand-in-hand
with her along this path for many years.

Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti !
